Himalaya Evecare Syrup 200ml
Himalaya Evecare Syrup is indicated in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome and dysfunctional uterine bleeding. It helps treat menstrual disorders like heavy bleeding, irregular periods and abdominal cramps. It can be consumed for increasing the level of hemoglobin, regulating reproductive function and also treating anemia due to uterine disorders. It is also recommended for general weakness in women.
Indication: Herbal medicine for restoring hormonal balance and treating menstrual cycle in young women
Ingredients: Malabar Nut, Asparagus, Lodh Tree, Ashoka Tree
Dosage: Take 1 tablet, twice daily, preferably before a meal, with lukewarm water. Please visit a physician in any unique circumstances so they can recommend the dosage that is most appropriate for your situation. Recommended basic treatment is 8 to 10 weeks.
Adverse reaction: None reported.
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